What does it Mean?

In order to insure resources are available for all users SVPAL imposes a Disk Storage Policy. Those who exceed disk quotas may incur disk usage changes. Extreme cases of excess usage may experience data loss.

Urgency Low

If you have received an over quota message, then you have exeeded your disk quota allocation. If the Urgency indicates “Low,” then you have some time to deal with it. Just delete some old emails when you get a chance.

Urgency High

If the Urgency indicates “High,” then are approching the hard limit where you start losing email. You should deal with this right away.

Email Inbox

For most SVPAL subscribers, its email in your inbox or stored in folders on the server that has put you over quota. Delete some older unneeded emails, especially emails with large attachments. Your SVPAL account allows you to keep up to 1GB of email and files on SVPAL. You are expected to delete email in your email inbox to keep your account in compliance with the 1GB quota. If you exceed your soft quota, you may incur a disk usage charge.

You may avoid disk usage charges by deleting old email on a regular basis.

An advanced user may wish to create a local folder on his computer and move old messages from the server into the local folder. This effectively deletes these messages from the server. The Thunderbird software that we recommend to our users has the ability to use local folders to store email.

Shared Email Access

By default, using an email app on your phone, tablet, webmail, SVPAL menus, or PC does not delete emails from the server. These devices share the common mail inbox on the server. Your email accumulates on the SVPAL mail server until you explicitly delete messages.

Delete messages that you don't need, especially large messages. Messages containing attachments such as pictures can be quite large. These are good candidates for deletion.

Email Software

Account Folder

Your SVPAL account allows you to keep up to 1GB of email and files in your account. This storage may be used to store email messages, saved email, personal web site files, or any other data you keep on the server.

You may avoid disk usage charges by monitoring your usage and deleting unneeded files.

Menu System

You may use the SVPAL menu system to remove unneeded files from your account. Use a connection method listed under SVPAL Menu System to access the SVPAL menu system. Enter the command "#dired" to directly access the directory editor. You can navigate the folders under your account to find files and delete those you don't need.

Folder where saved email is stored.
Folder for a personal web site.

You may have files in your top level account folder. These may be files you've downloaded or uploaded to your account. You may have saved email stored in the Mail sub folder. You may have files in your personal web site stored in the public_html sub folder.

You may have added files to your personal web site stored in the public_html folder. Or you may have uploaded files to your account. Check for files in these two folders that you can delete. You can use FTP to delete these files. You may also use the SVPAL menu interface to delete files.