
Silicon Valley Public Access Link (SVPAL) is committed to a policy of free expression and free access to ideas. SVPAL is committed to a policy of responsible use of the system that does not restrict others from using and enjoying the system. To these ends, a user of Silicon Valley Public Access Link agrees to the following terms and limitations as a condition to use the system.

You agree that the Board of Directors of SVPAL may, at its sole discretion, revoke the privilege of system use if the Board determines that the user has deliberately violated the Terms of Use.

Terms of Use

  1. I will use SVPAL in a manner that is consistent with all applicable laws and regulations.
  2. I will obey copyright and license agreements, and except for small quotes, will put copyrighted material on SVPAL only with written permission to do so from the copyright holder.
  3. I will not disseminate on SVPAL information that is personal to others, such as credit card or social security numbers, nor will I disseminate communications that are clearly personal and private to others.
  4. I will not share passwords. All accounts are individual accounts. An individual may allow immediate family or family-unit subscribers LIVING IN THE SAME HOUSEHOLD to use the account. For class accounts or similar multi-user accounts, explicit arrangements must be made - contact SVPAL.
  5. I will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to SVPAL, nor use SVPAL to gain unauthorized access to other systems.
  6. I will not flood the system or individual users with unsolicited e-mail.
  7. I will not use SVPAL to publish libelous or slanderous material, or engage in any action that restricts or inhibits others from enjoying the system.
  8. I will use SVPAL so as to respect the privacy and personal rights of others.

I Agree to these terms, and with others that SVPAL may publish in the future.